1800 202 2440
Concealed surface unit range introduced.
Built in "Silent Watchman", the first device to prevent compressor motors from overheating or burning out.
The first completely self-contained room air conditioning unit Freon 12 non-toxic odorless refrigerant used in refrigerators.
The first portable dishwasher.
A meat keeper drawer to keep meat fresh for a full week.
The first American front-loading washing machine.
Introduced "Colder Cold" refrigeration system and the first "Reverse Cycle" room air conditioner to cool or hast a room.
Washer variable water level and pressure fill control introduced.
"Frost Free" revolutionized the industry with the first automatic defront system in both refrigerator and freezer sections.
Introduced the automatic juice dispenser.
"Spacemates" the first stacked automatic washer and dryer pair "Choose 'N Change" decorator door panels introduced.
Center drawer refrigerator for meat, fruits and vegetables.
Compact air conditioner introduce with quick mount installation.
Chill compartment introduced.
White Consolidated Industries [WCI] purchased the appliance manufacturing division from Westinghouse Electric, creating White-Westinghouse.
First bimetal actuated time delay opening lid lock to keep the washer lid closed during the spin cycle.
WCI purchased by AB Electrolux of Sweden.
All U.S. manufacturing facilities are ISO9000 certified.
Introduced ice and water filtration system in side-by-side refrigerators.
White-Westinghouse's freezer factory still produces 70 percent of freezers manufactured in the United States.
Launch of AdvanceTech refrigerator series.
AdvanceTech line of 60cm Counter Depth Refrigerators introduced.
All US Factories are ISO14001 certified. The ISO14001 standard specifies requirements for establishing an environmental policy, determining environmental aspects and impacts of products/activities/services, planning environmental objectives and measurable targets, implementation and operation of programs to meet objectives and targets. checking and corrective action, and management review.